Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8- I'm thankful for...

So today I'm going to lighten it up a little bit. My last few posts have been
But first... I need some help!

First... I would LOVE some feedback from my readers. I know there are a BILLION blogs out there, but I know I've got some readers (I can track you!) and I would love some feedback. Feedback that is positive and negative in a positive way are welcome. I don't require you to be signed up with blogger to post a comment, so you can even remain anonymous! If you do have an account, I would love if you'd add yourself as a follower!

Secondly, I just went through and changed the whole layout. Let me know what you think about it! I'm working on getting the main blog entries text easier to see, but the system has been a pain to me lately. Let me know if there are other things that can be fixed too!

Thirdly... Thank you for everyone who does take time to read this. I absolutely LOVE writing, I have done it since I was a teen. It's been the one nook in this crazy world that remains mine, and no one elses. I'm also still working on my niche, so it's going to bounce around, but hopefully I'll get in to a routine soon! So thank you for joining me on this journey!

Ok... upward and onward!!! I decided today that since I've been EXCELLENT at blogging daily, and NOT at posting what I'm thankful for on facebook, I could kill two birds with one stone- and get my fix for both!

Day 8 - Today, I am thankful for my son Maddox. I love him, with all of my heart, but there is something that uniquely just tugs at my heart strings. He has the innate ability to hear music in just normal everyday noises. For instance, we were at Target a few weeks ago and a car alarm was going off nearby. With out even thinking about it, he started bobbin his head to the beat. At first I laughed, but then after thinking about it, I started bobbin my head too. There's music all around us. There's reason to dance all around us... it just depends on your perspective. My first perspective of the car alarm was that it was reeeally annoying. But to a 19 month old... it held a great beat. Today, and hopefully every day I can look at the positive in all things, and let loose and dance, even if it is to a random car alarm. Thank you Maddox, for being so "in tune"!


  1. What an awesome little boy Maddox is! And I do like the new blog layout except for the text being a little difficult to read as you mentioned. I enjoy the way that you show the world what a wonderful person you are. You inspire us (your followers) to reflect on our own lives with each topic that you touch on. Thank you and keep it up! (Love, a faithful follower) :-)

  2. thank you so much for the sweet comment on my post the other day!! your blog is adorable - love the layout and the header - it's so stinkin' cute!! as is maddox!! :)
    i love watching children discover new things and watch as they take in life.
    i'm looking forward to following! have a beautiful new week. <3<3<3

  3. Thank you faithful follower :). I appreciate your feedback and glad you are taking this journey with me! Your comment made me blush... I keep reading it because your words are so sweet!

    Thank you Maria for the comment back! Im excited that I stumbled on your blog... you are such a fun person! Looking forward to following you!!
