Thursday, April 5, 2012

Making good habits

So my goal is to write every day. I know it's not always practical, but I think it'll be a good goal. I also was thinking of how I want to format this blog. I came up with three things I hope every blog has. They are: things my kids did to make me laugh or happy and how they are changing, atleast one thing I'm thankful for that day, and of course what we have going on.

Yesterday, I was giving London a bath and realized her hair line is receding and fast. :( my girls losing her straight dark brown hair. I really hope some curly locks are going to take over! And I don't think this is normal, but she's 6 weeks old and she is already smiling and coo-ing. She literally gets so excited she talks to you! I got video yesterday of it... couldn't miss that one! We were looking at a house in Maricopa (more on that in a minute) and there was a mop in a bucket. The guy showings us the house saw he was getting in to it and went and took the bucket from Maddox. Completely freaked him out and hurt his feelings. He hid his face in my lap doing his high pitched cry and every once in a while would peek at the man to give him a dirty look. So ridiculous! And so funny! As we were driving out to Copa, we were jamming out and bubba was doing his head nod (Night at the Roxbury style) and Brooklyn was singing. That girl has been a music lover since she was in the womb... major rhythm going on.

Today, I am thankful for my husband. He is such a good, hard working man. He found out yesterday that the three crews working under his general foreman were going down to 2 (him being foreman of one) and they were going from 30 guys to 8, him being one. Most of them are either getting laid off or transferred. The reason they are doing this is because there is a huge project that they know they can trust this crew with. Pretty crazy. His GF told him that he is amazed at how well he is doing and can see him being a super intendant in the near future. From apprentice, to journeyman to foreman in less than a year. So proud!!

So we are looking to lower our rent, and seeing as our family is giant (7 of us!), we need atleast 4 bedrooms. We have figured we have 3 options to make that possible. 1) find an investor who will buy a house for us and we buy it from them in 2 years. 2) ask our current landlord to lower our rent. 3) move to Queen Creek or Maricopa. Yesterday was my first time ever in Maricopa. We looked at a giant 4 bedroom house, but it was kind of gross. I could clean it up pretty good, but the carpet was gross and the backyard was all dirt. Coincidentally, those are my two qualms about this house. How I see it, if I'm moving further from my friends and my family, I'm going to want a house that is already finished and cleaned. Probably selfish, but I take great pride in my house and I like to be a host and have people at my house. I want to be "house proud", so they say, especially if my friends and family are willling to make the trek. I want it to be comfortable.

Our lease isn't up until July or August, so we have plenty of time to pray about it and look around. I did like Rancho El Dorado... felt like Gilbert. Lots of people out walking and kids playing and the HOA was doing its job.

I think I hit all my goals! Hope you all enjoy our journey with us as we grow up and live this crazy life!

P.s. I joined a group/challenge called the 40/40 challenge. It's a challenge to spend 40 minutes a day exercising for the full 40 days of Lent. My goal was to run a 5k or sign up for one by Easter (which is quite a feat because I had London on day 15 or so). I haven't even gotten the chance to run, so instead, I signed up for the March of Dimes March for Children. Its a 3.5 mile walk in Phoenix on April 14. I have a team of 5 people so far, but I'm opening an invitation to others that might want to join. We also have a goal to raise $200, which we are only $25 away from but would love to blow that out of the water. So if you'd like to join or donate, the website is Thank you!

P.s. this is a blog from two days ago that never made it out if my outbox :).

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