Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holy Macaroni!!

It's almost CHRISTMAS! I am SO far behind on even mentally wrapping my brain around the fact that Thanksgiving passed! We haven't decorated or even bought a present! Am I the only one that's lagging?

Lately, I have just felt so far behind on time. My grandma, who I miss tremendously, passed just a few weeks before Halloween. Time stopped; halloween passed; I was disconnected. Then, just a few days before Thanksgiving, another grandparent, my step-mother's father passed. Again, time stopped; Thanksgiving passed; I was disconnected. We come home from Albuquerque and there's Christmas decorations adorning the houses in my neighborhood. This last week, my step-dad is abulanced to the hospital where they realized he's had not one, but five strokes. The effects are enough to readjust everything, from his job to his home. Times froze. Or maybe my emotions have froze. I'm not sure.

Today we went to church... a MUCH needed break from life. I finally felt caught up in the moment, singing Joy to the World. I finally felt like I could take a deep breath, releasing myself to enjoy the fact that my most favorite holiday is around the corner. That, my friends, was a much needed feeling.

So, tomorrow, I'm blasting the Christmas music, singing praises to Immanuel, who is Christ with us, and I'm reverting to that child inside... counting the days till it's Christmas Eve. And regardless if my step-dad is at home, in the hospital still or rehab, Christmas is coming... and THIS GIRL is ready!


  1. Whitney....
    Very good. Very, very, very good. I, too, have wrestled with joy lately. But it is Christmastime!! This only happens once a year!! And, sooner than we realize, it will be all over!! :-(
    I love how you mentioned singing "Joy to the World", because that has become MY song this Christmas.... ;-D
    Sorry about your losses.

  2. i feel the same way! i sort of also feel like i'm taking these days for granted. i kinda wish we could push Christmas back... i'm just not ready!!!


  3. Thanks Raelyn. I think "Joy to the World" is a great song!!!

    Thank you Ayley. Me too... it's coming up way too fast! Merry Christmas!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your step-father. I hope he is feeling much better. And I hope you've had fun bringing the Christmas spirit on this past week. :)
    Lots of love xo

    1. Thanks Maria! He's comfortable, so we at least have that! Hope he can be home before Christmas though! Merry Christmas to ya!
