Today marks my last day of freedom...
freedom to do (or not do) laundry all day
freedom to blog, cough, I mean CLEAN during nap time
freedom to clean my house allll the long day (or rush like a mad woman making it look clean 25 minutes before the hubbs gets home). (If you haven't mastered this skill... you should try it! Practice makes perfect!)
freedom to stay in my pjs till 3:45 every day
freedom to cuddle my babies to sleep at nap times
freedom to make 2 hour-ahead-of-time dinner decisions.
freedom to say yes to every single play date invite.
freedom to stay up super late- even on weekday nights.
freedom to agree to whatever appointment time the doctor's office offers.
But, tomorrow marks the beginning....
beginning of a new lifestyle
beginning of new found independence
beginning of a new technique on mastering love in smaller time incraments
beginning of a new entry on my resume
beginning of a new appreciation for working mothers
beginning of a learning (and sleeping) curve
beginning of a new financial journey
I'm nervous as can be, but I am keeping perspective. My hat goes off to those moms who did not get the option of staying home with their babies; venturing off back to work just a few months after introducing new life into the world. I'm fortunate enough to have stayed home for 2 days shy of 9 months of my youngest daughter's life. But, as mom's together, we all do what's best in the interest of our children... no matter the journey.
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