16 random tips... aimed at new moms!
(not that I would know!)
- When people say "rest when you can"... seriously do it! When people offer to help, put them to work doing laundry or dishes, so you can rest.
- New born pictures are ABSOLUTELY adorable, but make sure you are asking for help to get them done! Don't push yourself too hard!
- Medella is THE best pump there is out there... do NOT Settle for less!
- As far as milk storage bags go... I recommend Lansinoh or Gerber. They are the only two I have found that do not leak when defrosting.
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www.medela.com |
- Best way to freeze milk is to lay it flat, stacked one on top of another. It saves room for your veggies and frozen meat and defrosts way quicker!
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www.lansinoh.com |
- I know the docs say that using lotion or mother's cream doesn't work against stretch marks, but I'm a FIRM believer that it does! My favorite brand is from Sprouts.
- Unless you plan on adding to your laundry pile, do not invest in the cloth leak pads. I suggest Lansinoh again, and I frown on the Johnson ones... just for leakage purposes!
- A nursing cover works SO much better than a blanket, if worn right. Definitely a great baby present!
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www.lansinoh.com |
- Everyone suffers from some form of post-partum. It might be brought on by lack of sleep, but it's NORMAL to feel the blues. I had it bad with my second, and worse with my third and FINALLY called the doc for some help. Glad I did and it was so easy!
- KEGAL, KEGAL, KEGAL ladies! I believe it will help you in your delivery! I did about 100 every day while I was pregnant with all three, and I think it helped me rebound back!
- The first three months of breast feeding are hard... believe me! Learn about when your baby is going through growth spurts, so you know ahead of time. They go through a HUGE one at 3 months, which I believe is why a lot of moms quit around that time. Think... how many stopped after 3 months out of frustration? Not many!
- Take as many pictures as you can. Even if they aren't blow-up-and-put-on-your-wall worthy. Every little one helps keep those memories!
- Do NOT buy a nursing bra when you are in that first engorgement stage. I did this, and those nice round (but painful) Double Ds didn't stay for long!
- Whatever you do, make sure YOU are taking care of YOU. You can't be strong and happy for you're baby if you're not strong and happy for yourself!
- When it comes to toddler bed time... don't hesitate to buy that "big girl bed" and throw a pair of cheapy side rails on it. It saves you a couple hundred, unless you find a cute one used. I'd suggest against spending over 50 bucks for one, especially since you can find a "big girl/boy bed" for not much more than that!
- My last... law... to... abide...by... WAIT SIX WEEKS BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO "PRACTICE" CREATING ANOTHER LITTLE ONE... chances are good you WILL! Oh, and breast feeding is NOT a good form of birth control ;)! Heed this warning or you may end up with...
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Disclaimer: these are all my personal suggestions, not to be confused with doctor's orders!
Any mother's out there want to add??
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