So, I have a few things to write about today.
First off, Brooklyn is ready to potty train. DUN DUN DUN! Not too excited to have to run her to the bathroom when it's just me and the kiddos out. But, then we'll be back to two in diapers. And I honestly think Maddox will potty train as soon as he can walk. He started going poo in the bath so Curtis pulled him out and set him on the toilet and he kept on pushing! Brooklyn hasnt pottied once on the toilet. If I could get both done soon, I think that would be awesome! I got a cute pic of B yesterday when I came downstairs to find her on her little potty with her pantspants pulled down. :). Its the little mommy moments!
So everyday, atleast once, I have a "chaos moment" as I like to call them. These are times when EVERYONE needs me all at the exact same moment. It's during these times I have to stay focused, and take care of one thing at a time, regardless of how many babies are crying. Today, mine was (thankfully) after we got back from the grocery store. I pull on to the garage, and London starts doing her hungry cry. Then Maddox is whining cuz its past lunch time and now nap time. Brooklyns whining for her sippy, and I have a trunk full of groceries. Oh, and I have to pee, really bad. Lol. Now that I can recognize these "chaos moments", I just laugh and try not to grit my teeth. And I'm getting better at dealing with them quickly. Yesterday seemed to be one continuous "chaos moment" but there is one that almost put me over the edge. I'm feeding London, again have to pee, really really bad, Brooklyn's eating Cheez-its on my bed (crumbs!), and Maddox has disappeared in my bathroom. All of a sudden I hear the splash of little hands in the toilet. I finally coax him from his fun and he comes and sticks his hands right in the cheez-it box. Wait, it gets even better. All of a sudden I feel something really warm spread all over my lap. And it was not me that peed all over my lap :). Breathe Whitney. I make it through with out crying, but I do have to tell you, someone (no names) went potty in that very same toilet Maddox had a blast in earlier that morning, didn't want to wake anyone up, and they didn't flush. Omg. Thank goodness urine is sterile and that box of Cheez-its was near empty and thank goodness Brooklyn was over them by the time Maddox got to them. Yuck!
I did have quite the accomplishment today.. finally got all four of us out the door and to the grocery store! I learned two things too. 1) my favorite time ro shop is before nine. The lady who checked me out was right... it gets busy after nine. Next time, it's kids in pjs, a quick stop at the bakery for doughnuts, and done by nine. 2) I feel like the carts with the car on the front are like handicap parking spaces. Leave them for people who need them. I had to wait for one to be available and was slightly aggravated when it was one single little girl in the whole cart. Its probably not anything people think about until they are in my position, which is NEEDING that grocery cart because it is the only way to fit everyone in. I think if I get there at 7 or 7:30, I'll have no issue snagging the car carts, and will get the blue one which is way easier to push.
Today, I am thankful for my beautiful babies and thankful they are all healthy. Brooklyn going potty. Maddox throwing himself on the floor in a fit if you trick him and let go of his hands when he's walking. And London who is smiling and coo-ing and just being my peace when the other two are being chaos (or eating urine covered Cheez-its). I'm one blessed Momma, and I'm happy that I am in a place I can know that I'm blessed. Today is a happy day :).
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