Great news! We found a house, from a really cool family! We looked last week after our horrible news day (the one I mentioned in my previous blog) , and I was just so skeptical of possibly being in the same situation we found ourselves recently, that I had to do a little research. I emailed the new owner of our house, he's a swell man, and he looked to see if the house was in foreclosure. NOPE! Thank God for helping us in this time of need :-)! Curtis and I were discussing the house (prior to the clearing of foreclosure), and I wasn't too sure, but he was positive about it. In our discussion, for some reason I blurted out, "lets go see it again... I want to see it again". NEVER a suggestion of mine. And that, my friends, turned out to be the key that we needed to feel 100% at ease with our decision. We got there and this time, met the whole family. The last time we looked, it was just the husband, and his two daughters. The husband, the wife, the two daughters and also her brother who is handicap was there. They help take care of his three kids (saints? I think so)! We got there, looked around and I just could SEE us living in this home. We get down stairs, and I just gotta tell ya, this lady was AWESOME! They have only been married for a year, but dated for a while. They are Christians (He used to be Catholic, as well as her). They were like so similar to us! He loved dogs (had 3 pitbulls), she accepted them when she accepted him (sounds familiar). She was so friendly and so nice! She even cooked for us, and MAN it was good! She is from El Salvador and a Pittsburg fan (BOO!) and he's a Cowboy fan (Double BOO!). We ended up spending 3 hours there yesterday! We move in at the end of July, so we would love any help we can get! I'm so excited to move, and so relieved about our situation.
Oh! and it's 5 bedrooms, 3 bath and has a community pool, dog park, basketball court, and soccer fields. The neighbors all sound really cool too!
I was reading Psalms last night because I couldn't sleep due to some anger I was having towards all of the people who have taken advantage of us, done us wrong, or owe us money....(and it's a long list - family, employers, and friends). It's funny that I came to this book in the bible because I thought Psalms was all love stories and harmony and feel good. Man, was I mistaken. It was about Davids pleas to God about bringing justice to the people who wronged him and who were no longer faithful. This verse in particular struck me because it's how I'm starting to feel,
"Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race. Everyone lies to their neighbor; they flatter with their lips but harbor deception in their hearts." Psalm 12:1-2
K maybe not that strong because I do have some pretty honest and loyal people in my life, but it seems as if the world is starting to look more like the scripture than it should.
I kept reading because I was having this inner battle going on. Did you know that David pleaded and pleaded for the Lord to deliver justice for 17 chapters? And not once did he take it in to his own hands? But in the end, God made him more powerful than he imagined, and he received what he deserved for so long.
I wanted so desperately to be able to forgive the people who have done us wrong, and to forget above all. But as I read David's word, I was so shocked to hear that he was wishing that the Lord would rebuke the people who had wronged him, and would defend him because he was right... and he KNEW he was right! And it was OKAY that he knew he was right! I feel so guilty about situations when I know, and more importantly God knows, that my heart was right and I was honest in my dealings from start to finish.That I, or in our most recent situations, WE were honest and loyal and for some reasons, we were the ones who ended up with the short end of the stick. So I guess what I'm trying to say, is this lifted my spirit and lifted a lot of guilt off of me. I don't know why I was feeling guilty when I didn't do anything wrong? Why am I second guessing our decisions, when we did everything in our power to make sure we were honest and loyal? Maybe I feel guilt for being hurt, and not easy to forgive, with a feeling of resentment and wanting to "get even"? But, I know I'm right, I just have to trust that God knows where my heart lies and has my back. So I changed my prayer, and my thought process for the better. Even though those situations still make me angry, maybe if I'm like David, and I pray to God for justice since he is the only true Judge, that maybe through him and his power, truth will prevail!
So, sorry to get all scripture, but... WHO'S HELPING US MOVE!?!?! lol.
Have a great day, and HUG someone today!!!!
Ahhhh, thanks for the invite; love the posts so far!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the house and we'll help you move! :)
That's awesome you found a house!! I probably not such a good mover at this point but I can send Jarod...he good a carrying heavy things!