Saturday, February 9, 2013

Time is flying

So to say it's been a while is quite the understatement. I definitely misjudged how much time I was losing when I decided to work full time. It's a great opportunity for my family, but MAN! Do I miss my babies!!

In the next month, my babies will all be a year older. Maddox turns two on Monday, London turns one at the end of the month, and Brooklyn turns three beginning of March.

I think every mommy feels a little pit in the bottom of their stomach when the birthdays come around every year. I'm happy that we are moving on to more MOBILE activities and that we have a whole new world of adventures to embark on. But, I'm also sad that they are growing up so fast!

So here is a few of my favorite moments/realizations over the last year for each of my not so little babies!

London: Man does she know how to stick up for herself! She is one fiesty little lady! She has started mimicking words, her latest being "Thank you!" She is a thumb sucker, one thing I know I'll hate down the road, but it's so stinking cute when she grabs her blankie and sticks that thumb in her mouth... it also means it's cuddle time! She is my little cuddle budy, and I am so glad since I'm thinking she will always be the baby of the family!

Maddox: He's gotta be the chillest kid ever, but so funny! He says only a few words clearly. One of them is "POOP!" He HATES to have a dirty diaper, so he walks around following you saying, "poop, poop, poop" till you change him. And if you don't change him fast enough... he'll stick his hand in his pants! He's many-a-times painted with the nasty brown all over his crib and blankets. YUCK! He also has learned lately that when he says "Mommy, mom, mom, mommy" in the middle of the night, he gets a nice warm spot smack dab in between mommy and daddy in the big bed. I know I shouldn't cave, but since he's mostly a daddy's boy and always wants daddy, those moments just melt me. He is such a good kid, I'm truly a lucky mom. He never throws fits, and he's pretty chill.

Brooklyn: Man, where do I start? This girl just KILLS me! I know it's totally the "first mommy" moments, but where does she come up with this stuff? I asked her a few weeks ago where my heart was, and she said it's on my arm... you want it? Her latest things have been counting to ten on her own. She's finally getting the concept of boy vs girl, and he and her and hers and "hims". She has been such a momma's girl lately, it's really nice. We have fun putting make up on, doing her hair all cute, dancing, all the cute little girl things. My baby has grown up. It's just crazy!

I was sitting in the rocking chair cuddling Maddox back to sleep, and it just hit me how important I truly am to him and my two girls, but especially him. He has been such a momma's boy over the last almost two years that it's nice he has been wanting me the last few months. It really just hit me on how much of an influence I have in teaching him, nurturing him, and helping to mold him in to the man who respects women and the man who will lead his own family. I never really thought about this big, grown up parenting role like that. It brings me to tears to think that one more year of their little lives has passed, but it makes me so excited that I hopefully get to spend the rest of my life with them, God willing.

I'm a lucky mom. I'm lucky that I get to lead these kids in their younger years. I'm lucky that I get to hold, kiss, cuddle, and love on these little children. They hold my heart, and for that, I am so lucky.